Make the Most of 2021
We all well know that resolutions are a bad joke.
Power words are the way to a new mindset for 2021. At the same time, we need to address the actual bad habits and how we change them.
I suggest a new strategy that I believe will be very effective. I am very much a “system” driven girl. We need to lay down tracks for the “success train” to travel on.
Making a change requires a good mindset but more importantly tangible steps.
Acronym-- K.A.R.
Know your weaknesses and identify them on paper in scorchingly honest detail
Pay attention and note what you are thinking when a bad habit urge begins. Write it down, this will help you identify the negative chain of events that occur in your brain. This is the way to Self Regulation
Reward good behaviour with small but meaningful gifts. The chemical reaction (release of dopamine) created with the reward will be craved to be repeated.
1. Remove all temptations. (obviously, banging our heads against the wall is not very productive)
2. Power of 3. Create 3 easy to implement actions that support the desired behaviour.
3. STAY IN YOUR OWN LANE. Put on blinders and only pay attention to your own progress
Click here for the original article >
Now the fun part
What are your Power Words?
What are the visions of where you want your life to move towards?
Collect pictures and or graphics (either digitally or actual) that put a “face” to these life goals.
Display this collection where you can be reminded of your VISION FOR 2021.